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000050_owner-lightwave-l _Wed Oct 5 17:15:42 1994.msg
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Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 13:29 PDT
From: bjorke@pixar.com (Kevin Bjorke)
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: LW World Tour
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Steve Koren writes:
(on VM)
> I suppose so... but I still think it is better just to let the OS do it.
> WinNT, Amiga, and SGI all have VM already.
Many progams can realize big performance wins by doing their own lower-
level memory management -- an example that springs readily to mind is a
database. It can be easily argued that programs like Layout are really
databases. The renderer certainly uses lots of standardized packets. Should
there be a malloc() call for each and every one? What about on the PowerPC?
Should it be doing NewHandle() calls multiple times per pixel? Or grabbing
purgeable chunks and monitoring them? The latter, certainly. It will use
less memory that way, and spend less time doing it.
> In any case, the 3.0 ASL file requester is better than any other one
> I've ever seen, so its in my best interest if apps use it :-)
Except that it will be hated by all the expert users on every other
platform. Witness Playmation, universally (in the non-Amiga universe)
reviled because of its file requester, which users everywhere correctly
read as a perfect symbol of Hash Inc's half-informed arrogance.
PS: Anyone know about thrid-party products' plans to move cross-platform?
Wavemaker? Newton's Law?
Kevin Bjorke | If you draw a picture, and then draw more and
Animation Scientist | more pictures, and put them on TV, then dino-
Hi Tech Toons | saurs will turn into birds! - Rebecca